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occupational safety


Coronavirus COVID-19 Usefull Links

we recommend to translate pages that are only published in german with deepl.com


MAX, das Intranet der MPG, log in with your MPIP-account de/eng

Recommendations for handling the corona virus


Robert Koch-Institut de/eng

Recommendations for handling the corona virus

Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Recommendations for action and information on the coronavirus


Physical fitness in the home office only German

Coronavirus: 10 tips on exercise, relaxation, behaviour


EMAP advisory services de/eng

Employee and Manager Assistance Program


Psychological help in challenging times only German

How to survive domestic isolation and quarantine


Podcast Coronvirus only German

Das Coronavirus-Update mit Christian Drosten


Some people in the institute wear a protective mask. Here are some tips for handling protective masks nur auf englisch

advice-for-public when-and-how-to-use-masks


Corona PhDnet --> Have a look into this blog for some ideas these days... this is NOT for PhD-students only. de/eng

Should I stay or should I go (out)?


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Last Update: 07.04.2020


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